Strong major shareholder with long-term vision
(1) Shareholder composition calculation is based on the "Ordinary General Assembly Meeting Shareholder List" dated 22.03.2024
(2) As of the end of Oct 2024
(3) As of the end of 3Q24, based on IAS29 (inflation accounting)
Full scale financial powerhouse with subsidiaries leading in their fields
(1) As of November 24
(2) Excluding issuances of banks and affilated financial companies. All data are based on BIST
(3) Excluding privatization transactions.
(4) Among private institutions
Akbank in 2024: Strategically positioned for margin enhancement as normalization unfolds
Market share dato based on bank only BRSA weekly dota as of 27.12.2024, among private banks
According to BRSA definition, based on bank only BRSA monthly data as of December 2024, among private banks
(1) SME: Ac
(2) excl. overdraft
(3) Bank-only TL LDR includes domestic TL bond issuances and merchant payables
Enhanced retail reach & solidified recurring revenue base aligned with 2025 targets
Market share data based on bank only BRSA weekly data as of 30.12.2022 & 27.12.2024, among private banks
(1) Among private banks
(2) SME According to BRSA definition, based on bank only BRSA monthly data as of December 2024, among private banks
(3) Widespread consumer only
Akbank in 2025 & beyond: Empowered by resilience to achieve sustainable growth and profitability
Market share data based on bank only BRSA weekly data as of 27.12.2024, among private banks
(1) w/o forbearance. Forbearance: Fixing MtM losses of securities & FX rate for RWA calculation to 26.06.2023 FX rate for 2024
Strategically positioned for inflation-beating ROE
(1) CIR calculation excludes FX gain from hedge position related with stage 162 provisions