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Consolidated financial highlights 

Snapshot of Results

Profitability(%) 1H23 9M23 2023 1H24 9M24
ROE 39 41,2 37,9 22,4 20,2
ROE, Quarterly 50,3 45,5 30 20,1 16
ROA 4,7 4,9 4,4 2,3 2
ROA, Quarterly 5,8 5 3,3 2 1,5
Swap Adj. NIM 4,3 5,3 4,7 2,4 2,2
Swap Adj. NIM, Quarterly 3,8 6,8 3,4 2,1 1,9
CIR (1) 32 30 32,7 56 56,7
CIR, Quarterly 26,4 27,3 40,8 59,6 58
Total LDR (2) 74 73 71 78 80
TL (2) 87 85 83 84 82
FX 56 55 53 73 77
Leverage (x) 9 9 9 10,4 10,4
Asset Quality(%)          
NPL Ratio 2,1 2 2,2 2,1 2,5
Stage 3 Coverage 70,1 70,7 62,1 55,2 56,7
Stage 2/Total Gross Loans 6,6 7 6,4 6 5,8
Stage 2 Coverage 18,5 17,1 16,6 16,6 14
Net CoC 1,64 1,42 1,4 0,58 0,99
Net CoC, Quarterly 1,91 1,06 1,36 1,1 1,7
Net CoC (excl. Currency) 1,14 1,07 1,07 0,47 0,87
Net CoC(excl. Currency), Quarterly 1,05 0,94 1,08 0,89 1,56
Solvency (3) (%)          
CAR 17,1 18,4 18,5 16,4 17,2
CET-1 14,9 15,5 15,6 12,7 13,4
Tier-1 14,9 15,5 15,6 13,9 14,6

(1) CIR calculation excludes FX gain from hedge position related with stage 1&2 provisio

(2) Bank-only, TL LDR includes domestic TL bond issuances and merchant payables

(3) w/o forbearances. Forbearance: Fixing MtM losses of securities & FX rate for RWA calculation to 2022YE FX rate for 2023, fixing MtM losses of securities & FX rate for RWA calculation to 26.06.2023 FX rate for 2024

Balance Sheet Highlights

Consolidated (TL mn) 2023 9M24 YtD (%)
Cash and due from Banks 356,898 373,755 5
Securities 464,946 576,844 24
TL 319,253 410,370 29
FX (USD) 4,949 4,879 -1
Loans (net) 929,613 1,253,067 35
TL 636,089 828,444 30
FX (USD) 9,971 12,445 25
Other 153,312 200,623 31
Total Assets 1,904,769 2,404,290 26
Deposits 1,292,914 1,575,241 22
TL 766,344 991,753 29
FX (USD) 17,887 17,101 (4)
Funds Borrowed and Bonds Issued 178,687 236,304 32
Repo 99,404 199,983 101
Other 122,546 161,797 32
Equity 211,219 230,965 9
Total Liabilities and S/H Equity 1,904,769 2,404,290 26

Income Statement Highlights

Consolidated (TL mn) 2Q24 3Q24 QoQ(%) 9M23 9M24 YoY(%)
Net Interest Income incl. swap cost 10,571 10,370 (2) 50,724 33,448 (34)
NII 18,371 14,049 (24) 49,846 52,525 5
o/w CPI-linker income 17,807 19,109 7 45,848 53,466 17
Swap Cost (7,800) (3,680) (53) 878 (19,077) -
Fees and Commissions (Net) 17,221 19,763 15 21,980 51,820 136
Net Trading Gain (Loss) 6,328 5,979 (6) 37,202 21,000 (44)
ECL hedge gain/ (loss) 109 430 294 1,965 1,005 (49)
Other 6,219 5,549 (11) 35,237 19,995 (43)
Other Income 285 496 74 946 2,182 131
Operating Expense (20,340) (21,810) 7 (32,688) (61,565) 88
Pre- Provision Income 14,064 14,797 5 78,164 46,885 (40)
Provision for Loan Losses, net of collections (1,799) (5,225) 190 (7,833) (8,284) 6
Stage 1+2 (net) (694) 747 - (5,095) 2 -
Stage 3 (3,138) (7,122) 127 (3,001) (13,734) 358
Stage 3 Recoveries 2,141 1,580 (26) 2,228 6,454 190
Currency Impact (fully hedged) (109) (430) 294 (1,965) (1,005) (49)
Other Provisions 120 1,413 - (751) 1,275 -
Free Provisions - 1,400 - - 1,400 -
Other 120 13 - (751) (125) (83)
Income Before Tax 12,395 12,025 (11) 69,588 39,919 (43)
Tax (1,475) (1,994) 35 (18,119) (6,784) (63)
Net Income 10,920 9,031 (17) 51,469 33,135 (36)
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