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Akbank’s sustainability governance 

Duties and responsibilities of our Sustainability Committee:

  • Preparing a sustainability strategy in line with our Bank's business strategy, market conditions and developments,
  • Carrying out all sustainability activities within the framework of our Bank's sustainability strategy, priority areas and targets and strengthening the Bank's sustainability performance,
  • Integrating sustainability into all our ways of doing business, identifying relevant risks and opportunities, ensuring that our Bank's priority issues are aligned with sustainability issues,
  • Progress of our Bank in harmony with the Sustainability Principles and other relevant legislation, follow-up and communication of the legislation,
  • Ensuring risks and opportunities arising from climate change are prioritized and managed,
  • Monitoring national and international legislation and standard approaches related to environmental and social risks taken into account in the Bank's lending process,
  • Ensuring sustainability-related policies are integrated into business processes,
  • Providing opinions and suggestions to the Board of Directors regarding the activities carried out throughout the Bank in the field of sustainability,
  • Determining and monitoring the relations within the framework of sustainability with national and international organizations and regulatory institutions related to sustainability,
  • Establishing and monitoring an honest and transparent communication platform with our Bank's stakeholders on sustainability,
  • Ensuring that reports containing our Bank's sustainability activities and performance indicators, our corporate website and similar promotional channels are prepared and supervised in accordance with the Corporate Governance Principles and Sustainability Principles.

For more information on our Sustainability Governance, please see our Annual Integrated Report.

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