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Our sustainability journey 

The development of Akbank’s sustainability journey

2024 Akbank Board of Directors Diversity Policy has been published.

Akbank, successfully exceeded our sustainable financing target of TL 200 billion by the end of 2023 and increased our target to TL 800 billion.

Akbank announced its strong performance in sustainability, robust commitments and roadmap for 2030.


2023 Akbank Announces Turkey’s First Syndicated Social.

Akbank updated its Sustainable Finance Framework, which serves as the basis for defining the criteria and methods in the field of sustainable finance.


2022Akbank committed to become a “Net Zero Bank” by 2050.

Akbank launched “SME Eco Transformation Package”, Turkey’s first green transformation package for SMEs.


2021Akbank launched Sustainaiblity Finance Framework

Akbank entered Bloomberg Gender Equality Index

Akbank became the first company in Turkey to join Valuable 500

Akbank ranked top Emerging Markets Bank in OMFIF's Gender Balance Index


2020Akbank reduced its ESIA (Environmental Social Impact Assesment) limit to $ 10 million for project finance Loans, in order to better manage the impact of projects it supports.


2019Akbank reduced its ESIA (Environmental Social Impact Assesment) limit to $20 million for project finance Loans, in accordance with UN Global Compact Turkey Declaration of Sustainable Finance, as one of its signatories.


2018Akbank published its Digital Trust Principles as part of its digital transformation process.

Akbank participated in the Sustainable Finance Decleration signed in

Participation in updating the Sustainable Financing Declaration signed in 2017 with the UN Global Compact working group.

Akbank participated in the update of the Declaration on Sustainable Finance with the UN Global Compact Working Group.


2017Akbank launched Akbank LAB to create the Banking of the Future today.

Akbank broke ground for “Akbank Data and Life Center”, designed to host Akbank’s entire technology infrastructure, monitor all bank operations 24/7 with the latest technologies and provide uninterrupted services to clients.

Akbank launched its “Branch Transformation Project”, aimed at enhancing its services infrastructure.


2016Together with Sabancı University, Deloitte and TAİDER-Family Business Association, Akbank conducted “The Keys to Sustainable Success for Family Companies” research.

The CaseCampus Program, which was launched in cooperation with Akbank and Endeavor for young people aiming to become entrepreneurs, gave its first graduates.

Akbank and Endeavor launched the "The Good State of the Citiy" project to support the entrepreneurship ecosystem in Ankara and Izmir.


2015Akbank signed the Pledge for Action, an opportunity for non-party stakeholders to welcome the Paris Agreement on climate change and play their part in implementing the new roadmap established at the COP21 Conference of Parties in Paris.

Within the scope of “The Good State of the City” initiative, Akbank accomplished more than 30 volunteering projects with participation from university students across 26 provinces, addressing a number of issues from cleaning up shores to education, from animal rights to health.

Akbank launched the CaseCampus project in collaboration with Endeavor, for young people who aim to become entrepreneurs.

In collaboration with Sabanci University, Akbank began working on establishing the Center of Excellence in Finance (CEF), an important initiative wihin the field of education.


2014Within the “Craftsmen Fraternity” concept, Akbank continued to offer products and services exclusive to their craftsmen customers, including Axess SME, “Pay as You Please Craftsmen,” a complimentary tablet in return for POS turnover commitment, TESK (Confederation of Turkish Tradesmen and Craftsmen) cooperation agreement, Craftsmen Internship, and Craftsmen Festival.


2013Akbank aggregated its services tailored towards craftsmen within the “Craftsmen Fraternity” concept. The “Pay When You Can Loan”, the first product prepared within this concept, provided craftsmen with the flexibility to make loan payments in accordance with their earnings.


2012Akbank became one of the first companies in the world to sign the “Carbon Price Communiqué” prepared by The Prince of Wales’s Corporate Leaders Group on Climate Change (CLG), drawing attention to the necessity of developing a clear and transparent pricing policy for carbon emissions.

Against the savings deficit which is an important obstacle to the development of Turkey, Akbank initiated “Savings Mobilization”, a social responsibility project to complement its banking products and services.


2010 and 2011Akbank became a signatory of the Cancun and Durban agreements prepared prior to the United Nations 2010 and 2011 Climate Change Conferences.

The Akbank Volunteers System was initiated.

Akbank supported the Global Student Entrepreneurs Awards.

Akbank employees started to receive Sustainability Approach training sessions.


2010Akbank became the first Turkish bank to publish a UN Global Compact Communication on Progress Report.

Akbank increased awareness of environmental transparency by supporting the implementation of the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) in Turkey.

It became the first Turkish deposit bank to publish a Sustainability Report in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards.

Became the first and only Turkish company to be featured in the CDP 2010 Global 500 report, with a high score that placed the Bank in the World Industry Leaders category.

The Akbank Energy-Friendly Loan was launched.

A loan pool was established offering favorable terms for entrepreneurs selected by Endeavor Turkey.

Akbank supported the “Before They Disappear” Project in collaboration with the Regional Environment Center (REC) with the aim of drawing attention to regions at risk due to climate change


2009Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility Committee (CGSRC) was established under the Board of Directors.

Established by KAGİDER (Women Entrepreneurs Association of Turkey) and aiming to help women improve their individual productivity, the Women’s Development Center “BİZ” was opened with Akbank as its main sponsor.


2008The “Akbank Thinking Club” was established with the aim of thinking together with young people and together creating values for Turkey’s future.


2007Akbank was the first Turkish bank to become a signatory of the UN Global Compact.

Akbank started collaborating with Endeavor, an international non-governmental organization established with the aim to contribute to economic development by supporting high-impact entrepreneurs in developing countries.

The Akbank Customer Complaint Management System was awarded the ISO 10002 Quality Certificate.

Akbank supported entrepreneurs with its “Business-Creating, Business-Growing Ideas” program.


2005Akbank became a sponsor of the “Make a Wish” foundation, established to fulfill the wishes of children aged 3-18 with life-threatening diseases.


2004Akbank was the first bank to publish its Corporate Governance Principles on its website.


2003Akbank became the first bank to publicly disclose its dividend policy.

It became the first bank to publish its Corporate Governance Principles in the annual report.


2000Akbank Information Technologies acquired the ISO 9001 Quality Certificate. 

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