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Dividend policy 

Dividend policy

Provided that no adverse conditions exist regarding domestic and/or global economic circumstances and that the Bank's capital adequacy ratio remains at the targeted level, Akbank's dividend distribution policy is to distribute to its shareholders in cash and/or stock dividend up to 40% of the Bank's distributable profit.

The dividend distribution procedure is completed in accordance with the General Assembly resolutions within the legal periods stipulated by the law.

The Bank does not have a practice of distributing advance dividends.

Appropriation of profits

The dividend to be distributed from 2023 net profit of TL 66.478.940.241,69 will be as follows;

- Gross TL 260.000.000 equal to 5% of Bank’s paid-in capital of TL as of December 31, 2023 will be allocated as primary cash gross dividend; and gross TL 9.711.000.000 will be allocated as secondary cash gross dividend. Total gross dividend of TL 9.971.000.000 equal to 191,75% of the paid in capital, will be distributed to shareholders,

- Cash dividend payment to start from 26 th of March, 2024,

- After allocating TL 971.100.000 to Legal Reserves, the remaining profit will be retained under Extraordinary Reserves.

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