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Board committees


Audit Committee

The Audit Committee conducts auditing and oversight activities on behalf of the Board of Directors. Specifically, the Audit Committee assists the Board of Directors in executing its responsibilities with regard to the matters stipulated below:

  • Ensuring the effectiveness and adequacy of the internal control, risk management and internal audit systems,
  • Overseeing the functioning of the internal control, risk management, internal audit, accounting and reporting systems in compliance with related legislation as well as the integrity of the resulting information,
  • Conducting the initial assessment to assist the Board of Directors in selecting independent auditors and regularly monitoring the activities of the independent auditors selected by the Board of Directors,
  • Ensuring that the internal audit activities of companies that are subject to consolidated audit under the Banking Law are conducted on a consolidated basis and facilitating their coordination,
  • Notifying the Board of Directors of issues that may undermine the sustainability and credibility of the Bank’s business and/or may lead to breach of applicable law and internal regulations of the Bank.

The Audit Committee receives regular reports from all units created under the internal control, internal audit and risk management systems as well as from independent auditors regarding execution of their respective duties. It is incumbent on the Committee to notify the Board of Directors of issues that may undermine the sustainability and credibility of the Bank’s business and/or lead to breach of applicable law and internal regulations of the Bank. The Bank’s subsidiaries have also formed audit committees. Akbank’s Audit Committee monitors the operations and activities of the subsidiaries’ audit committees.

Unless excused, all Committee members attend the scheduled meetings. Audit Committee members do not have a set term of office. The Audit Committee convenes at least four times each year.

Eyüp Engin, Chairman
Levent Demirağ, Member

Corporate Governance Committee

The duties, authorities and responsibilities of the Corporate Governance Committee include:

  • Attaining, overseeing and communicating the Bank’s compliance with the Corporate Governance Principles,
  • Scoping and overseeing relationships with investors as well as authorized bodies such as the Capital Markets Board (CMB) and Borsa Istanbul (BIST),
  • Ensuring and overseeing the establishment of an honest and transparent communications platform with the Bank’s stakeholders,
  • Creating a transparent system for determining, evaluating and training suitable candidates for the Board of Directors, and conducting efforts to determine policies and strategies related to this issue,
  • Monitoring, auditing and reporting remuneration practices that are conducted by Members of the Remuneration Committee on behalf of the Board of Directors,
  • Monitoring the sustainability efforts by the Sustainability Committee Members on behalf of the Corporate Governance Committee, reviewing them within the framework of the Corporate Governance Principles and Sustainability Principles, and ensuring that the relevant efforts are effectively implemented by keeping them up-to-date,
  • Ensuring and supervising the Bank’s Annual Report, website, and similar publicity channels that are prepared in conformity with the Corporate Governance Principles,
  • Ensuring and supervising necessary actions are taken to protect the Bank’s brand and reputation,
  • Formulating the Code of Ethics and overseeing compliance,
  • Supervising the activities of the Shareholder Relations Unit.

The Corporate Governance Committee convenes twice a year.

Hakan Binbaşgil, Chairman
Yaman Törüner, Member
Türker Tunalı, Member
Board Members Hakan Binbaşgil and Yaman Törüner are also Members of the Remuneration Committee.

Credit Committee

The Credit Committee is the ultimate executive body to ratify lending decisions. The Committee assesses loan proposals that are cleared by headquarters in terms of their compliance with legislation, banking principles and objectives, and lending policies of the Bank. Credit Committee members do not have a set term of office. The Credit Committee convenes on an as-needed basis. 

Ahmet Fuat Ayla, Chairman
Hakan Binbaşgil, Member
Cenk Kaan Gür, Member

Executive Risk Committee

The Executive Risk Committee is responsible for developing risk policies, determining appropriate methods for measurement and management of risks, setting commensurate risk limits and monitoring their performance. All risk policies formulated are documented in writing and incorporated with the overall long-term strategy of the Bank. The Committee convenes twice a year.

Hakan Binbaşgil, Chairman
Ahmet Fuat Ayla, Member
Cenk Kaan Gür, Member

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