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Executive management


Kaan Gür

Board Member and CEO

Kaan Gür brings over 35 years of experience in the banking sector. He holds a degree from Gazi University's Faculty of Banking and Insurance and an Executive MBA from the Middle East Technical University. Gür began his career in a prominent private sector bank, holding positions such as Branch and Regional Manager in Corporate, Commercial, and SME Banking, later transitioning to the role of Director of SME Marketing Coordination.

In 2011, Gür joined Akbank as the Executive Vice President of SME Banking. From 2013 to 2017, he served as the Executive Vice President of the Commercial Banking segment, overseeing the Cash Management and Trade Finance departments. During this period at Akbank, he also held the positions of Chairman of AK Lease and Vice Chairman of AK Investment, both Akbank subsidiaries.

Between 2017 and 2023, Gür assumed the role of CEO and Board Member at another private sector bank, leading transformations across various areas, including corporate, technological, and cultural sectors. As of October 2023, Gür has assumed the position of CEO and Board Member of Akbank. Kaan Gür is also Vice Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Akbank AG and a member of the Supervisory Board of Akbank Ventures BV.


Bülent Oğuz

Executive Vice President - SME Banking

Bülent Oğuz joined Akbank in March 2003 and served as Vice President and Senior Vice President of SME and Consumer Banking respectively. Oğuz was appointed as Executive Vice President in charge of SME Banking in July 2013. He served as Executive Vice President of Retail Banking between November 2018 and December 2021. He has been in charge of SME Banking since January 2022. Bülent Oğuz is the Vice Chairperson of AkÖde and a Board Member of Ak Lease. Before joining Akbank, Oğuz held various managerial positions at Corporate Banking and Loans divisions at different private sector banks. Oğuz is a graduate of Middle East Technical University, Political Science and Public Administration and holds an Executive MBA degree from Sabancı University.


Burcu Civelek Yüce

Executive Vice President - Consumer Banking and Digital Solutions

Burcu Civelek Yüce joined Akbank in 2006 and respectively served as Senior Vice President of Strategy Department, Executive Vice President of Human Resources and Strategy, and Executive Vice President of Strategy, Digital Banking and Payment Systems. She has acted as the Executive Vice President of Consumer Banking and Digital Solutions since January 2022. Prior to joining Akbank, she worked in international management consulting and technology companies. Burcu Civelek Yüce has a B.Sc. degree in Industrial Engineering and an MBA degree from Boğaziçi University, both first in rank. She also participated in courses at Harvard Business School and Koç University. Yüce acts as the Chairperson of Aköde Elektronik Money and Payment Services, Board Member of Aksigorta, Agesa, Sabancı Ageas Health Insurance., Sabancı DX, Akbank Ventures BV, Ak Asset Management, IWF Turkey and MMA EMEA and Endeavor Turkey.


Ege Gültekin

Executive Vice President - Credit Monitoring and Collections

Ege Gültekin joined Akbank in February 2015 as Executive Vice President in charge of Credit Monitoring and Collections.. Before joining Akbank, Ege Gültekin held various senior management positions at different banks and asset management companies. Ege Gültekin is a graduate of Middle East Technical University, Department of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences and holds a Master's degree from John Hopkins University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Information and Telecommunication Systems. Gültekin is Board Member of Aklease. She is also board member of Kredi Kayit Bürosu (KKB) and Risk Center of the Banks Association of Turkey.

She is also board member of Kredi Kayit Bürosu(KKB) and Risk Center of the Banks Association of Turkey. 

Levent Çelebioğlu

Executive Vice President - Corporate & Investment Banking

Levent Çelebioğlu joined Akbank in May, 2015 as Executive Vice President in charge of Corporate and Investment Banking. Prior to joining Akbank, he held various senior management positions at different private sector banks. Çelebioğlu is also the Vice Chairman of Akbank AG and Chairman of AkInvestment. Additionally, he is Chairman of TUSIAD Banking Group. Levent Çelebioğlu is a graduate of 9 Eylul University, Faculty of Economics, Monetary Economics & Banking Department.


Türker Tunalı

Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

Türker Tunalı joined Akbank in September 2008 as Senior Vice President in charge of Financial Coordination and International Reporting. Prior to joining Akbank, he held various managerial positions since 1999. He was appointed as Executive Vice President (CFO) in charge of Financial Coordination in October 2017. Tunalı is also a member of Corporate Governance Committee. Tunalı is the Vice Chairperson of Ak Investment, also a Board Member and Audit Committee Chairperson of Akbank AG, a member of the Supervisory Board of Akbank Ventures BV, Board Member of AkLease and AkÖde. Türker Tunalı is a graduate of Boğaziçi University, Department of Business Administration and is a CFA charterholder since 2006.


Yunus Emre Özben

Executive Vice President - Credit Allocation

Yunus Emre Özben, joined Akbank in October 2005 as Assistant Manager in Project Finance Division after working at various financial & capital market companies from 1996 onwards. Promoted as Senior Vice President in charge of Investment Banking in March 2011 Mr Özben was finally appointed as Executive Vice President in charge of Credit Allocation in August 2018. Emre Özben is the Vice Chairman of AkLease,. in addition to his chairman status at AkInvestment and Turkiye Securitization Company. Özben is a graduate of Marmara University Business Administration and holds an executive MBA degree from Sabancı University.


Zeynep Öztürk

Executive Vice President - Special Credits

Zeynep Öztürk, after working at various companies in the sector since 1990 joined Akbank in January 2011 as Senior Vice President in charge of Commercial Credits Monitoring and afterwards worked as Senior Vice President in charge of Corporate And commercial monitoring and collection, and Head of Special Restructring Consulting respectively. Zeynep Öztürk was appointed as Executive Vice President in charge of Special Credits in January 2019. Zeynep Öztürk is a graduate of METU Business Administration and received MBA degree from İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University.


Gamze Şebnem Muratoğlu

Executive Vice President - Treasury

Sebnem Muratoglu is Executive Vice President in charge of Treasury since January 2019. She has been with Akbank since 1995 and was previously Chief Risk Officer of the bank. Prior to that she held various different positions in the areas of risk management and treasury within Akbank. Sebnem Muratoglu is Chairperson of Ak Asset Management, Member of Akbank AG Supervisory Board and Board Member of Ak Lease. She is a graduate of University of Kent Economics, holds a Master's degree from Macquarie University and participated in courses at Harvard Business School. Sebnem Muratoglu holds Financial Risk Manager (FRM) certificate since 2003. She is also a member of Women on Board Association Turkey (WOB Turkey) holding independent board membership certicate.


Pınar Anapa

Executive Vice President - People and Culture

Pınar Anapa joined Akbank in 1999 and after taking various responsibilities in Internal Audit division, she worked as Deputy Head of Internal Audit between 2007-2014. Anapa started to serve as Career Development Senior Vice President in 2014, and she has been serving as Executive Vice President in charge of People and Culture since June 2019. Her areas of responsibility cover career development, organizational development, training, architectural solutions and operations. Pınar Anapa is a graduate of METU Economics and received an Executive MBA degree from Sabanci University in 2006.

Anapa is also a Board Member of Akbank AG and Akbank Consumer Relations Coordination Member.


Gökhan Gökçay

Executive Vice President - Technology

Gökhan Gökçay joined Akbank in May 2017 as Senior Vice President of Dijital Banking, Payment Systems and Data Technologies Department. He has taken on different roles in the Technology and Operations business family. Since January 2023, he has been serving as Executive Vice President in charge of Technology. Gökçay is also a Board Member of AkÖde.
Before joining Akbank, Gökçay started his career as a software engineer in 1992 and held the positions of managing partner and department head of leader banks and consultancy firms in Turkey and Europe in the field of Financial Technologies. He has over 30 years of experience in technology management, consultancy and system integration in the banking and telecomunications sectors. Gökçay is a graduate of Boğaziçi University, Department of Computer Engineering and he has a master’s degree from the same department.


Çetin Düz

Executive Vice President - Commercial Banking

Çetin Düz joined Akbank in 2004 and after taking various responsibilities in Internal Audit division, he worked as Deputy Head of Internal Audit between 2014-2015. He was appointed as Executive Vice President of AKLease in charge of Credit Allocation in August 2015. He worked as General Manager of AKLease since 2019 January. Çetin Düz was appointed as Akbank Commercial Banking Executive Vice President and Chairman of Aklease in February 2023. Çetin Düz graduated from Boğaziçi University, Department of Political Science and International Relations and he holds an Executive MBA degree from Sabancı University.


Dalya Kohen

Executive Vice President- Private Banking and Wealth Management

Dalya Kohen joined Akbank in 2010 and after taking various responsibilities in Private Banking Division she worked as Senior Vice President of Private Banking between 2018-2023. As of May 2023, she was appointed as Executive Vice President in charge of Private Banking and Wealth Management. Dalya Kohen is also a Board Member of Ak Asset Management. Prior to joining Akbank, she worked in the Treasury Department of a different private sector bank. Dalya Kohen is a graduate of Boğaziçi University, Department of Economics.

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